AYA recognizes that there is a lot of information on different value chains within the agricultural sector from production to processing. AYA therefore seeks to bring all this information together focusing on production and processing. The production aspect will focus mainly on the agronomy aspect while the processing side will show the different products that […]
Business development through strategic l...
As business is birthed very many alliances need to be put in check to enable the business to survive. They say that most youth enterprises don’t get to see their 5th anniversary but we have seen that through resilient youth entrepreneurs they have merged victors and still continue with the struggle. At AYA we believe […]
Capacity building youth enterprises
AYA offers a range of methodological as well as practical courses that can help agricultural enterprises grow. Based on the research we have conducted, AYA sees the need for youth to be capacity build in profitably running agricultural enterprises. To address this we have designed a number of courses both technical and financial that will […]
Knowledge: AYA provides space where various technologies are posted where youth enterprises can learn. It also provides a platform where youth can interact using WhatsApp to share and learn from each other. Agribusiness incubation a strategy to grow your business Link to a mentor in line with your business to learn more
Strategic financial linkages
Strategic financial linkages: AYA does this through publisizing calls of various financial service providers/donors/venture capitalist who are willing to invest in agricultural youth enterprises and publish Web based links that provide requirements and contact information of financial products that youth can tap Agribusiness pitch for youth enterprises AYA is cognizant that agribusiness pitches are an […]
Modules available
Developing an agricultural business plan- book now!!!!!! (Create an hyperlink with sub items-doodle) This two day course comprises full two full day interactive workshops designed to give you practical agri business planning skills you can implement directly in your enterprise. The workshop; allows you the opportunity to interact with other like minded enterprenuers in a […]
Engaging youth in agriculture
Rural youth are the future of food security. … Rural youth face many hurdles in trying to earn a livelihood. Pressure on arable land is high in many parts of the world, making it difficult to start a farm. Youth often also lack access to credit, and many other productive resources necessary for agriculture.